Dr. Arup Kumar Halder is a noted Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine specialist based in Kolkata. His outstanding professional services earned him the title of ‘Doctor of the Year’ at Columbia Hospitals in 2011.

In addition to MBBS and MD, Dr. Halder has undertaken Diploma in Child Health (DCH), a post graduate diploma course of 2 years duration which deals with the nursing of infants, children and also adolescents at the community level, primary and secondary levels of... [+]

  • Member, European Respiratory Society (ERS).
  • Member, Indian Society of Sleep Disorders Association.
  • Member, Indian Medical Association (IMA).


 A Study of Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Talc and Povidone Iodine for Pleurodesis of Malignant Pleural Effusion. Published in JIMA. Accepted for publication, Ref No. ED/HE/227/2007-2008/20.
Serum Magnesium and Stable Asthma: Is there any link? Featured in Lung India, 2010. Volume:27/ Issue:4/Page 205-208.
A Study of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Elderly. Journal of Indian Medical Association (JIMA). Published in August 2007, Volume 105, Kolkata.
  • Secured First position for paper presentation entitled 'Fibreoptic Bronchoscopy in Solitary Pulmonary Module' at 12th Annual Conference of Bronchocon, Kolkata, Jan. 2007.
  • Presentation
  • Presented paper entitled 'A Study of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Elderly' at 10th Annual Conference of ACP, Kolkata, March 2007 and secured first position.
Interview on Asthma- a 15 mins interview on FM 104 Fever FM.
Appeared for a 30-minute duration TV Interview on Chronic Cough and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea aired on Mohua Bangla and Akash Bangla –Bengali TV Channels.
Three articles published on Awareness about Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in Ananda Bazar Patrika.
Training in ‘Essential New Born Care’ organized by National Neonatology Forum on August 2003.
Received training on Sleep Medicine from International Institute of Sleep Sciences (Mumbai) and Indian Sleep Disorder Association (Delhi and Sydney-Australia). 
Training in ‘Pediatric Advanced Life Care Support’ organised by IAP on 4th and 5th March 2005.